Children at Esher Orthodontics


If you would like to find out more about any of our treatments listed below, please don’t hesitate to get in contact. 


Silver metal brackets

Fixed metal “train-track” type braces have always been a popular option for straightening teeth, due to their effective and predictable results. Brackets are bonded onto the teeth, with a wire that runs across them. This wire creates the force to gradually align the teeth. Traditional braces are a trusted and reliable method of achieving precise straightening results, and are still widely used for patients for all ages.  Modern silver metal braces are much smaller and more comfortable than ever before and they offer a lower cost option.  Feel free to jazz them up with cool colours if you wish!!

Cosmetic clear brackets

Ceramic brackets .png

Clear or ceramic braces are now commonly used in orthodontics, they consist of transparent or tooth-coloured brackets with tooth-coloured wires, and provide a very discreet alternative to traditional metal braces.  They offer the same consistently excellent end results as metal fixed braces and are one of our most affordable ‘invisible’ options, making them a popular choice for both adults and teenagers. At Esher Orthodontics we offer a range of the latest clear braces, including Clarity™ ADVANCED which have been designed with discreetness and comfort in mind


Invisalign Teen aligners give you a whole new way to wear braces for a “clearly” amazing smile!  Ask your orthodontist if they are suitable for your teen. Invisalign teen aligners gently guide the teeth into the correct position over the course of treatment and are a perfect fit for your lifestyle, because aligners are:

  • Clear plastic (like thin sports mouth guards)

  • Removable

  • Super comfortable and gentle

  • Customised just for you

Pizza, Popcorn ... No Problem!


You've probably heard from friends that with braces you won't be able to eat anything hard or sticky. With Invisalign Teen aligners, you can eat whatever you want!  Unlike traditional metal braces, your Invisalign Teen aligners are removable, which means you can go ahead and eat all the things you love without worrying about breaking a bracket or loosening a wire and it's easy to clean
your teeth

Your teen receives a new set every two weeks – The aligners should be worn between 20-22 hours a day, so to help teenagers keep on top of their treatment each set of aligners features a blue dot wear indicator and eruption tabs to allow further teeth to erupt. Invisalign aligners are really comfortable and very durable. They fit in with any of your extracurricular activities. So whether you're swimming, playing hockey, throwing the rugby ball out on the field, or playing the clarinet with the school band, you don't have to worry about your braces getting in
the way! 

Invisalign® Mandible Corrector

NEWLY LAUNCHED - an evolutionary, groundbreaking leap forward for the field of orthodontics and clear aligner technology. With this innovation, orthodontists are able to correct Class II jaw discrepancies in addition to aligning teeth with clear aligners in growing teen patients.

  • A clinically proven, single-phase treatment solution

  • Increased patient comfort during treatment

  • Up to 50 percent shorter when combined with weekly aligner changes


Functional appliances

Functional appliances (e.g. the Twin Block) are a popular type of brace to reduce the projection of the front teeth in patients who are growing. Functional appliances may be either fixed or removable. The more common removable functional appliances are made from separate upper and lower parts, which interlock placing the lower jaw in a more advanced position. The patient has a first phase with the functional appliance to correct the bite and skeletal discrepancy and then has a second phase of treatment with fixed braces to align the teeth.